Blogging is becoming increasingly popular with the passage of time. You must have come across many popular blogs, and you must be following a few of them. Well, it’s pretty good if they inspired you to start blogging.
But wait!
If you are willing to start your own blog, it can turn out to be a bit difficult to grasp WHY you should.
Blogging can be incredibly important and valuable for a variety of reasons. It is not just for the business. You can personally benefit from blogging in numerous ways.
I am a writer, and I love being in this profession.
Honestly speaking… writing is my favourite hobby. Whoever I interact with, I recommend blogging to almost everyone.
According to Worldometers, more than 6 million blogs are published every day worldwide. This means 2 to 3 blogs every second. With such a significant number of blogs springing up daily, you must be thinking, “Would it be a good idea to start a blog?” Well, a big YES from my side.
Throughout my life, I have taken up and dropped several vocations and hobbies. I have tried various things with drawing and painting, engrossed in computer games, dedicated long hours to football (I even bunked my classes for this), played the guitar for quite some time. I have even tried my hand at biking. But, none of these hobbies has changed me as a person and brought me such satisfaction as blogging does. In almost many ways to count, blogging has greatly influenced my life.
I’m such a big fan of blogging, and fortunately, it’s really simple. If you have been familiar with writing emails in the office, you can run a blog. Yes, it’s that simple.
However, starting a successful blog could be a bit challenging for newbies.
Why Start Blogging? Top Reasons, Convincing Enough!
Though there are a number of articles written about why you should blog to help your business grow, become an expert at something or make an entire cluster of cash, yet the best recommendation lies in the personal realization that blogging moulds you and your life.
Let’s find out –
It is challenging
Yes… blogging is challenging! It is a challenge to be seated, write and doing that consistently. It is a challenge to share your thoughts and ideas to the world without being scared of it. You should start blogging because it makes you grow and growing makes you a better person. You can handle this challenge is itself a challenge and challenges are good as they make you happier.
Blogging is a learning tool
Doing what challenges you makes you happy and teaches you a new thing every time. Blogging is a learning experience. It is ALL about sharing what you see or wish to see in the world. It is about sharing what you know and what you learn.
With blogging, you find yourself continually adapting new things about your area of interest. You learn how to write and how to spread the word through social media. You learn the difference between a catchy title and the dull one. When you learn, you grow and feel satisfied.
Blogging makes you a better you
Blogging is all about writing. Not just writing actually! But, recording your thoughts and ideas on a piece of paper or inside your laptop. Blogging encourages you to stop and think profoundly about a particular thing. It obliges you to delve deeper into the matters and the perspectives that shape them.
The ability to think clearly and deeper to produce new thoughts is one of the most critical skills you are never taught in school. Blogging helps you grow your thinking muscles exponentially, which is reflected in your own life.
A secret to lead a more intentional life
When you start blogging about the ideas in your head, they begin to make more sense. Having a blog is a high podium to compel your brain into a laser-centred perspective. When you start writing about your life as well as the thoughts that shape it, you start thinking more intentionally about who you are and what you are getting to be.
You start developing an eye for meaningful things
Sure, it is just not possible to write about every event, thought and every incident of your life. You have to filter all these things when it comes to blogging. As it is a never-ending process, picking up the most meaningful events and the most important thoughts helps you develop an eye for meaningful things in your life.
A platform for your voice to be heard
Blogging gives you a platform for your voice to be heard. You have something to say, regardless of you consider yourself as a writer or a speaker. This is the platform that is free from censorship as well as criticism to speak your mind and find others who connect with what you believe.
Making money with blogging
Well, that sounds pretty awesome. Yes… that’s true. If you are right to your words and remain consistent in blogging, then this is a hobby that pays you back. Once you have created value and grown audience around your blog, then making a handsome amount of income from your blog becomes quite attainable.
I’m not talking about making just $100. There are many examples of bloggers generating millions of dollars every year.
Helps your business grow better
If your company doesn’t have its blog, you are leaving a lot of money on the table. It is a massive opportunity for your business that imparts a lot of things to your company that you cannot imagine.
For instance, your prospective customers can read exciting stories about your company success, strategies, ideas and even new products which might turn them into your regular paying customers.
It’s your chance to inspire others
Blogging not just changes your life, but it improves the life of your readers too. It is an act of giving your knowledge to the audience for free. Blogging is a selfless act of service to contribute your time and energy into a piece of writing and then offer it for free to anybody who wants to read it. Others may find inspiration in your writing, and that feeling is AWESOME.
Needless to say, blogging is a good habit. It requires time, commitment, dedication, devotion, and discipline. All these things are good to embrace as they will help you make the most out of your days and life.
Ready to Start Blogging?
It’s a fantastic time for those brave souls who take risks and speak up. My only question is, “Is that going to be YOU?” If any of these reasons resonate with you, it’s time to start blogging and make something great for others.